"kalau betul inginkan rahmat dan berkat Allah, berhentilah daripada merungut. Kerana rungutan itu tanda-tanda kurang bersyukur"

Astaghfirullah hal azim *PAP* kena kat batang hidung sendiri..the truth is we keep updating people on what we have DONE. but do we need to always do that? 

how about GOD? 

"Technology is really really destroying us" - i saw one student wrote this on the evaluation form belongs to one of our lecturers.

Sometimes this statement can be TRUE and sometimes can be FALSE. grow up kids!

whatever it is, It's up to us, guys~!

You cannot change people around you but ...you can change the people that you choose to be around :)

No worry, people come and go~~~just like twitter, blog followers, FB likers and blablabla

harharhar !!!

Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal!

p/s: kesimpulannyaperlukurangkanmerungut..............


  1. can't agree more!

    drpd merungut baik siapkan kerja~ahaks

    apsl dia komen cmtu kt evaluation form tu!adoila~

    kesian kt si lecturer itu..opss!

  2. attention seeker!opss
    lepas si lecturer check ID dia..

    no wonder lah..

    test marks dia dpt rendah..

    pastu duk hentam lecturer

    kids nowadays...*sigh*


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